Saturday, August 30, 2008

National Review proposed New Orleans for 2008 RNC

Back in September of 2005 the National Review ran an editorial proposing that New Orleans be the site of the 2008 Republican National Convention.:

"No single step would go further to dramatize the GOP's commitment to rebuilding New Orleans than announcing now that the party's 2008 convention will be held in the recovering city. Such a move would signal the party's confidence in the Big Easy's renewal, and put it at the forefront of what should be similar commitments from private actors to do their part to help New Orleans come back."

Now considering, Hurricane Gustav heading for the Louisiana coast and the "Focus on the Family" video requesting that Christians pray for it to rain during Senator Obama's acceptance speech in Denver, it would have made for an interesting week if the GOP had taken that advice.

Hoping everybody on the Gulf Coast gets through this one OK.

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